Luckily for us, the medicine dropper tickles Leo.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Slurping Noises
For the past couple of days Leo has been really working at trying to suck his thumb. When he's successful, his other hand will play with his wisps of hair. He has his first ear infection (boo!) and I think he may be trying to soothe himself.
Monday, September 27, 2010
New Layout
I (slightly) changed the blog layout, and still have some fine tuning to do. The "sites Liv loves" links are at the bottom, for now...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Happy Birthday, Esme Clare!
A guy-to-guy chat.
Olivia + Olive, the teeny tiny hard-to-believe-it's-real dog.
The girlies did such a good job of sharing.
Steve's anticipating the delicious lemon cupcakes just as much as the kids!
Delicious cupcakes for a delicious girl.
BOO! Two not-so-scary skeletons!
Esme sneaks in a kiss for Emmett.
Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy sent Esme an adorable present - a doctor's outfit, complete with scrubs. Esme was happy to share with Liv. The two then proceeded to administer shots to everyone.
The doctor is IN!
We all got together to celebrate Esme's birthday - can't believe she's already 3! The kids had a blast together, even Leo joined in on the fun. I love watching all of the kids together - and we can't wait to meet Baby Pearson, due to arrive in two weeks!
Baby Shower!
Olivia made fast friends with Mike and Meghan's niece Susie.
Leo donned some dapper duds for the occasion.
Present time! Susie and Olivia were good assistants.
Enough with the pictures, Mom.
Happy Birthday, Nana!
What a fabulous spread.
What a gorgeous day for Mike and Meghan's baby shower. The Dempsey girls did a fabulous job with everything. We can't wait for baby to come!
Monday, September 20, 2010
2 Months

Yes, it's true. Leo Michael is 2 months old today. To celebrate we went to the doctor, where he performed quite well, doling out the flirts as needed. He's weighing in at 13.4 lbs (Olivia was 13.3) and 24 inches, putting him in the 86th percentile for both. I snapped this pic as we were waiting for the nurse to come in with the 4 (!) shots. Poor babe, blissfully unaware.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Doozy of a Day

Olivia's ride of choice was the mini coaster, and here she is with her friend Emma. You can tell this was the last ride of the night.
What a day! We hit up Fisher Fest, Olivia was thrilled, natch. She loved all of the rides and had some success with the games, making sure to win a toy for Leo as well. Fitting that tomorrow is "roll out of bed" day at school. I have a feeling we'll be doing just that.
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