Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Esme Clare!

A guy-to-guy chat. 

 Olivia + Olive, the teeny tiny hard-to-believe-it's-real dog. 

The girlies did such a good job of sharing. 

Steve's anticipating the delicious lemon cupcakes just as much as the kids!

Delicious cupcakes for a delicious girl.

BOO! Two not-so-scary skeletons!

Esme sneaks in a kiss for Emmett.

Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy sent Esme an adorable present - a doctor's outfit, complete with scrubs. Esme was happy to share with Liv. The two then proceeded to administer shots to everyone. 

The doctor is IN!

We all got together to celebrate Esme's birthday - can't believe she's already 3! The kids had a blast together, even Leo joined in on the fun. I love watching all of the kids together - and we can't wait to meet Baby Pearson, due to arrive in two weeks!


Anonymous said...

So did Esme get a puppy for her birthday?!

Megan said...

Oh wouldn't that be cute! No, the pup belongs to her Uncle Matt's girlfriend, Jennifer. They thought the kids would enjoy her and they really did (well, Olivia mostly).