Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Anything to Avoid Bedtime

I don't know how we arrived at the intersection of longest and bedtime routine, but here we are. On a good night it's 45 minutes, but almost always goes past an hour. Stories, books, routines, bedtime skits, and just added: massages with powder treatments. We've been working to scale it back by eliminating one activity every couple of days, with the goal being a book and a story - that's it. Here are some pics of a powder treatment gone wrong, as well as quotes from last night. 

Olivia: "Mom, a crush is when you see a handsome boy and they become your boyfriend." 

Then, after wiggling around in bed: 

"why do wedgies always come to me? Maybe they think I'm a party house or something."

Note: It's obvious that this is all in relation to a certain 19 lb tub o' love slumbering next door, hence why we've made these concessions - but now, we're ready to shave it down. 

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