Thursday, June 9, 2011


 It was a really good thing that Olivia and Leo were already at Durkins when we saw this. 

 And then when the window burst open, and even more water came in? We're lucky Durkins is a few blocks away. 

Heartbreaking. Having gone through this twice last Summer, we had the foresight to get most everything up off the ground. But still - ruined desk, play kitchen, numerous toys, pictures, baby gear. A huge thank you to Steve (on his birthday, no less) and his Dad who worked tirelessly all day. One of the most frustrating things about this is that it was avoidable, as this water is due to grading issues and an ill-placed and unapproved window well. Our contractor has been mostly unresponsive to this issue - and when we do hear from him, he's petulant and pleads ignorance. Need a good contractor recommendation? Because we most certainly don't have one. Thank goodness I took a lot of pictures as evidence. 


Anonymous said...

This is horrible! Happy Birthday Steve!

Jill said...

thats is the most horrible picture I have ever seen!