Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to the Faith, Ignatius

He has the sweetest little face. 

 Grampie and Leo

 Babies everywhere!

 The girls were in heaven in the backyard. 

 Leo moved in on Reese to try to get a bite of her cupcake. He sat on her lap right after this. 

 I moved him to his own chair to give Reese some space (notice the clutched spoon). 

What an honor to for Steve and I to be chosen as Ignatius' Godparents. We had a wonderful time celebrating his baptism with family and friends. Mike and Laura, if Ignatius starts wearing track suits and sporting a gold chain, you can blame "The Godfather."


Good Old Wise Eyes said...

ahahahaha! Yes! The Godfather will be responsible for lots of trouble.

Megan said...

He will be cooking sausage and peps by the time he is 3!