Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tagged in the Blogging World

I've been tagged by my good friend Andrea, which means that I have to post 7 random facts about myself. So! Here goes...

1. I was a lifeguard for almost 7 years growing up. I even taught adult swim lessons in college for extra money. But I am deathly afraid of the deep end - silly, but true.
2. I was once at a friend's summer house and overflowed the toilet. It was so bad the ceiling underneath the bathroom collapsed. But let me be clear - the overflowing was due to a real plumbing problem, not my "plumbing" problem.
3. When I was in grade school we had a field trip to learn about owls, and for some reason we were each given our very own owl pellet in a baggie. Against my better judgement, I kept it on a shelf in my closet for a few months...until sanity got the better of me.
4. In high school we weren't allowed to chew gum, and were fined $5 each time we were caught. My chewing gum debt with my religion teacher grew to $60 - so I negotiated that I would make him rice crispy treats instead. He agreed.
5. I like peanut butter but have an irrational fear of it touching it, which means making those PB&J's for Liv can be a bit tricky.
6. When I was an intern at Q101 we were marching in the Gay Pride parade when an angry woman threw a styrofoam bowl of hot chili at my back. Good times.
7. I loved to play pranks on my poor sister Aimee. It all started with sharing her diary in 5th grade with the boys she had listed as "crushes," continuing on through college, when I found a dead iguana (a castoff pet by the pond) and tucked it into her bed. To say that it was crossing the line is an understatement. But, being college kids, we all had a good laugh (after Aimee had a good cry). To Aimee's credit, she retaliated, as a good sister should.

I just re-read my list and these 7 things aren't so much random as they are embarrassing. Also, as part of the rules - I have to tag 7 blogging friends. Since I don't have 7 of them, 4 will have to do:


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