Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Night Out At The Irish American Heritage Center

Matylda and Olivia share a tentative hug

Matylda is more than likely entertaining with a funny anecdote.

Liv and Emma haven't seen each other in over a year, but Emma's gift of a spring purse makes them fast friends.
And they pair off to dance.

Ever the enterprising tots, they fashion an impromptu limbo stick out of a broken necklace.

Liv is anxiously waiting for the next song. Note the fancy Irish bracelet her Grampie gave her.

Liv and Grammie about to cut a rug.

Too bad Liv didn't enjoy herself.

One of Liv's many suitors.

I have a sneaking suspicion I just caught a glimpse of Liv's college years on the dance floor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my god these are all soooo great!!!!!!!!!! wish i could make a shamrock symbol--- darn <3 -that'll have to do! :)
Mo O