Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This is Not a Cooking Blog.

It's a shameless "look how funny/adorable/mischievous Liv is" blog. But I have to sneak in a recipe or two, especially one so tasty. Olivia has landed squarely in the picky eater category, much to our chagrin. So we've been trying to make her eat what we eat for dinner. Broaden her horizons, expand her pallet, etc. I thought I'd avoid the daily battle by making homemade macaroni and cheese. The recipe is from here: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/ and it really is fantastic. I think the trick is to put enough ground mustard in, and to grate your own cheddar cheese. I'm dissapointed to report that Liv didn't touch it. But - there's enough left over for me to try again tomorrow. And the next day. Also, I should note that my sister-in-law Meghan totally has the cooking thing covered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to a good cooking site, I love those. Ethan is also a very picky eater, Emma will eat almost anything. I took the kids to a cooking class in MN and the instructor said that children's taste buds changes every 30 days and adults change every 90 days so keep trying new stuff. Some of Ethan's boring favs - mac n cheese (Kraft only), bacon, hamburgers, over hard eggs or hard boiled eggs (but only the white part), spaghetti with no sauce - it can be so frustrating!