Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Beautiful Day

These two managed to polish off nearly a whole bowl of guacamole.

I think this was during "Mr. Roboto" - Liv and Esme are the self-appointed pint-sized back up dancers.

Why hello there.

Nothing says appetizing like a hot city street.

The kids are enjoing "cookies on a stick".

A game of freeze dance. Liv and Esme were except during the freeze portion.

On Saturday, we had the pleasure of celebrating Ryan's recovery and the neighborhood who came together to help make it possible. It was a gorgeous summer day - there was live music, a jumpy, and plenty of tasty food. The Bleskins joined us, and Esme was the hit of the party. At one point, she was doing karaoke to Bon Jovi, with the crowd cheering her on. The only words we could catch were a shout out to her younger brother: "Emmett Joseph." A good time had by all!

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