Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blogger Award!

What a treat to receive the Beautiful Blogger Award from Katie Hickey of The Social Secretary! I was delighted when Katie launched her blog - she has such a knack for finding the perfect tip - whether it be for a busy hostess, an upcoming holiday or someone who wants to beautify their space. Accepting this award means I get to pass it along to others, as well as share 10 things about myself.

I can really get lost in the blog world - it is so easy to get sucked into the beautiful design blogs and the inspiring Mom blogs. I have so many favorites, but here are a few: - Andrea and I have been friends since we were 5 years old (I still remember meeting her in her red wagon). When we were little, one of our favorite past-times was to play house with cabbage patch kids. Fast forward many years later - we both have families and it is such a joy to still share in Andrea's life in that way. Not to mention she is a fantastic writer. - I do not know Jora personally but I love her blog. Based in San Diego, she has a beautiful home and 3 adorable kids. I found her site when I was looking for a salad dressing recipe - and was hooked by her recipes alone. Add cute kids and an amazing house, and I am a daily visitor. - Oh man - not so sure Rian will like being recognized by a "mom blog" - but I have to - his posts usually have me crying with laughter. Our parents are long time friends - so I've known Rian forever - and it's funny to picture the little boy running around on Christmas Eve is now a talented writer living in San Francisco.

My two favorite design blogs are littlegreennotebook and makingitlovely. Aside from my sister-in-law's fantastic recipes, my favorite cooking blogs are thepioneerwoman and smittenkitchen.

Now - on to some things about myself. I've had to do this before and it is hard to come up with a list - but here goes:

- I started my blog over 2 years ago as an easy way to share updates and pictures of Olivia - I am surprised at how much fun it is, and so fun to check out my friend's kids as well.

- I had always planned on going back to my job in advertising after I had Olivia. But as my maternity leave neared its end, it was evident that it would be near impossible to keep my long hours and be able to see my baby at all. Leaving my job was one of the scariest decisions- but something I have never regretted. A co-worker had connected me with Cool Globes, and I was able to start working from home when Olivia was 3 months old. Three years later and we've taken the exhibit to six major cities, Sundance Film Festival, the UN COP15 conference in Copenhagen, and Vancouver for the Olympics. I love my job and everything I've learned along the way.

- Motherhood is my most favorite role in the world. Steve and I strive to raise Olivia as we were raised. We always reminisce about how things used to be - no cell phones, no video games, kids playing outside more than in. Parents were in charge and kids weren't catered to. It seems to us that things were a lot simpler back then. Living in our community makes this easier - most everyone has the same values.

- This is so sappy - and not about me - but Steve is the most amazing husband and father. He was instantly nurturing when Olivia was born. We established a routine where I would feed Olivia, and then Steve would take over and settle her down to sleep. This didn't make the most sense, having both of us up but Steve wouldn't have it any other way. When he gives Liv a bath on a cold night, he gives her a spa treatment, sitting her on a stool and carefully blow-drying her hair. When there's middle-of-the-night vomit, we are a good team - one person's on clean up, and the other cleans Liv. He always does either role without blinking an eye. He leaves little notes for Liv, and will proudly display her artwork at his desk. What a guy.

- I just felt the baby kick.


The Social Secretary said...

This was so great - you really got me at the end Megan!

riano said...

"You like me! You really like me!" - Sally Field

Thanks for the honors, Megan. And I'm proud to be noted on a "mom blog", though I'd categorize it as a highly creative and beautifully written/photographed family blog. Kind of a long category. I just checked out the Cool Globes project—so awesome. Do you work on their marketing?

Tricia Tokash said...

I love your blog Megan! I found out about it from Andrea's blog. So happy that you're expecting a baby! I loved feeling those kicks... from your old babysiitter,

nicole said...

Great blog update! :)