Saturday, October 18, 2014


 The DJ was humming the Adams Family theme song and we realized that everyone thought Olivia was dressed as Wednesday. 

 He was teaching Olivia how to juggle. 

 A chocolate bar.

 Leo got 4 in a row! They were stunned. What is he, a sniper? 

 Olivia loved this. A Bear movie. 

 Swat the fly - people with fly masks popped out of the holes. 

 Cooking class in Hells Kitchen - making deviled eggs. 

 We all went through the haunted house. Pretty terrifying, with Leo leading the way. He held strong, asked one of the characters when it was over, and when we were done burst into tears. 

 They said not to look in the mirror, but we did. And then this person came around the corner. Leo kept on saying "I didn't look in the mirror, I know I didn't." 

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