Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well Well Well...What Do We Have Here

Most parents transition kids to a regular bed once they start climbing out of the crib. That wasn't the issue with Liv, rather it was her fitting in it. All of a sudden it was like a cage, and she'd turn over and be caught in the bars. So it was time to move on. We did so with trepidation, assuming our somewhat uninterrupted nights of sleep would be a thing of the past. I hate to jinx it, but we may be onto something here - she gets up less than she ever did. Actually, Steve and I aren't sure she's aware she can get out of the bed without us there - a secret that is safe with us.

A potty training update: The other day Liv turned to me with a sad face and said - "I used to have big girl pants, but a wolfie threw them in the mud." So I said that I had washed them and they were all clean. Her response, even more melancholy: "oh no, they're stained."

1 comment:

Meghan Scarsella said...

Oh m gosh- these two pictures are just the cutest! She looks so happy to have a big girl bed!!