Sunday, October 11, 2009

Esme's Sweet Birthday

Oh no! I can't believe I'm 2!

An attempt was made at a Christmas card photo. Not sure this will make the cut.

Esme was such a nice cousin to let Liv help.

Marc and Emmett, who feigns nonchalance quite well. And Moose-y-ness. But that isn't feigned.

Practicing her cat walk saunter.

With some hip-shaking thrown in.

Oh, look at the puppy.

We headed to my parents house to celebrate Esme's (belated) birthday. As always, the girls had a fantastic time together. It was chilly though - and so cold that they were only outside briefly. There were presents, a delicious dinner and a tasty cake plus cupcakes. What more could a 2 yr old want?

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