Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sweet Innocence

When we read the instructions for Olivia's butterfly kit, we were surprised to learn that these butterflies only have a 2 week life-span. So I knew we had to "free" them before they started dropping like...flies. However, each suggestion to free them was met with a very tearful, dramatic "but I'll miss them" reaction from Liv. So I put it off until there were three suspiciously still butterflies out of the five. Liv finally agreed to release them, and while she wasn't looking I tossed them out: "they escaped Liv, how sneaky!" We then focused on the other two. As you can tell, these guys were on their last legs. In fact, I think one had expired during the excitement of the release, and Liv was very unaware. In fact she was delighted at his willingness to be manhandled, and even posed with it in her hair. Oh, my sweet girl.

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