Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh, Baby!!!!

Leonardo Michael Scarsella entered the world at 10:01 am today, weighing in at 8.4 lbs and 20 inches, he is perfect in every way. Our hearts are bursting with love for our little ones. We feel so blessed.


Meghan said...

Congrats, Scarsellas! He is just perfect. And O is a wonderful big sister, I know! Hope you are enjoying getting to know him and recovery is going well!


The Knudsen family said...

He's the perfect addition to a beautiful family... I can feel the love growing exponentially!

Had to tell you that Elle is obsessed with wolfies, too, ever since we visited The Great Bear Wilderness. She has one named Flower who goes with her almost everywhere. Two peas in a pod, they are!

Jill said...

Of course, Congrats for like the hundreth time -but my big question is - when did Steve decide to shave? In pics with Liv - facial hair (which is after Leo is born) and then sometime later apparantly, he snuck into the bathroom for a quick shave and takes a family photo where he looks SO YOUNG! Its been cracking me up in your pictures - which are all beautiful by the way! Hope to see you all soon!