Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Girl

I had fully intended to put together a long birthday post for Olivia, complete with a picture slide-show. But as most of you know, Poor Liv had a scary trip to the ER and an overnight stay in the hospital due to some stomach pain, low blood sugar and inconclusive lab tests. The good news is that we are home safe, and she is sweet and sleeping. While we don't have a clear answer of what went on, we do have follow ups with both her pediatrician and an endocrinologist. Steve and I often talk about the saying that having a child is to allow your heart to beat outside of your body - and I couldn't have felt it more than these past few days. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers - when I tucked Olivia in tonight she told me: "my heart is filled with love because of all of you guys." She most certainly feels the love and support.

Now, on to a brief version of my envisioned birthday post:

An open letter to my baby girl Olivia:

Happy 4th Birthday!

Every July 3rd, I replay in my head our trip downtown to be induced, and then the long 4th of July waiting, and then the final glorious moment when we met all delicious 9 lbs of you at 3:26 am on July 5th. What a face! Those eyes, those lips! We could not stop staring at you and your perfect sweetness. It is hard to believe 4 years have passed since those magical first days of getting to know you.

You are such an amazing little person - an old soul, with a beautiful heart. You are a girly girl with a love for princesses and all things pink. But your draw towards adversity, villains, Michael Jackson (are they the same thing?) and animals balances out the feminine side. World news has you captivated, and your empathy towards those in crisis is heartwarming. In a few short days (14 to be exact) you will become the best big sister - a role we don't doubt that you will flourish in. We can't wait to add the love of a sibling to your life - (actually, I think we have waited long enough). We love you with all of our hearts - and Dad and I promise you a fantastic birthday re-do. Happy Birthday precious girl.


Steve said...

She is the best little girl a Dad can ask for.

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Boy do I know how scary it is to have your child in the hospital. I hope all goes well with the future appointments. And of course with the impending arrival of said younger sibling!!