Saturday, March 12, 2011

South Side Irish Fest

Within minutes of arriving at the Beverly Arts Center, Olivia had run into her pal Maggie, gotten her face painted, and was well into her 2nd craft of the day. 

Maggie, Olivia and Pat (Maggie's older brother). 

Never ones to shy away from the camera. 

Lining up for the parade. 

Fox's Pizza and a majorly modified Rainbow cone! 

Pat and Maggie's cousins joined in the fun, so adorable!

The cavernous tent - Erin - this is the tent/St. Patty's scene of your dreams!
Our original plans to head north to the Heritage Center got scrapped due to Leo coming down with another cold/ear infection. He was a bit fussy and had a fever, so Steve stayed home with him while Olivia and I hightailed it up to the BAC. We got there around 12, and I thought we'd be home at 2 (so that we'd only be gone during the Mr's nap). But 4:30 rolls around and I'm dragging Olivia home. But what a delightful day, especially because Olivia got to play with her friends. 

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