Friday, September 4, 2009

Tent City

This is Liv's 3rd Tent City. Here she is 13 months old with her girlfriends: Molly, Mary Claire, Grace, Grace and Hope.

Fast forward to the teen hiding out in the tent.

Liv's never one to turn down a blank easel.


Joining the girls in their cheers.

For the past few years Labor Day weekend meant tent city on our block, where dozens of kids all camp out in the Banky's yard. There's always a boy tent and a girl tent (and never the two shall meet). There's also a tent of parents, this year 3 moms were chosen, the tent thus earning the name "cougarville." While the boys were at football practice, the girls put on a spectacular talent show. What was most impressive were the three 5th graders who each did a solo - each so confident and sweet. Liv is a lucky gal to have these ladies as her role models.

1 comment:

nicole said...

How Fun! And I totally lol'd at 'cougarville"!