Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

Uncle Mike is either asking Liv to throw that out, or asking her to wipe her nose. Probably both.

Hailey came bearing gifts - princess coloring books and markers. What a treat!

Uncle Mike was kind enough to lend his phone to the girls so that they could have some tunes in the closet. Here they are, trying to find some "girl songs."

Here she comes! Madison is probably thankful for the protection of the exer-saucer.

Snacks galore!

At this point Aimee suggested the girls give Madison some space. Esme then used that phrase for the rest of the night, whenever someone wanted a hug.

The hiding place, complete with pillows and blankets.

Esme decided to run around nearly nude with the gift to the ladies - a cozy winter hat - on her head. What I like best about this picture is Steve in the corner - they really light up when they see each other. He's hoping she's headed his way for a hug.

One of my favorite Christmas Eve traditions.

The three amigos.

I asked them to "act crazy."

We went to my Parents for Christmas Eve, and celebrated with the usual suspects. Olivia, Hailey and Esme were fast friends and found the coat closet to be the perfect hiding place. It's always such a special night, with great friends and family. Olivia (and Steve) were not happy to leave!

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