Sunday, August 16, 2009

Super Day, Super Saturday

Liv greets Steve during his first game.

Mostly soon-to-be 5th graders, these boys had the run of the park early in the day.

Liv still insists on the baby-swing. Even though it can be a two person deal to get her out.


Go Brown!

Marty, Steve and Jim end game 1 with a victory.

After a nap, an outfit change is mandatory.

Yes! A pal! Here's Liv girlfriend Ellie Remegi, who's Uncle Mike lives down our block.

I like this picture. Steve in action, and little dream puff Liv watching him.

Again, Liv watching her Dad. She kept on calling his name, alternating between "Steve", "Dad" and "Superman."

Here's Mike (or maybe it's his identical twin Ryan). They are Liv's buds from Mrs. Durkins, and had been put to work hydrating the players. There were water bottles in that case, though. Phew.

By hook or by crook these girlies were going to make this machine work.

This Saturday was the culminating event for the St. John Fisher summer softball league. Dubbed Super Saturday, it is a day filled with playoff softball games, food, drinks, music and fun for the kids. Steve (along with fellow block pals Jim Welsh and Marty O'Hara) ended up winning it all - much to our surprise! We had so much fun - I think we spent 7 hours up at the park. A new record I hope to never break.

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