Sunday, August 23, 2009

This Just In: Liv Pees on The Potty, Bones Returns Indefinitely

Thank you princess make-up. Thank you.

We earmarked today as *the* day to do some serious toilet training. Not that we haven't been trying for, say, 8 months. We've done everything from major bribes, to promises of ice cream and candy, to a sticker chart (which I now see pales in comparison to a new jumpy). What really worked was Bones' return. When Olivia saw him, she cried tears of happiness. Sobbed, really. We've never seen any emotion like it from her - it was part adult and part innocent toddler who missed her pal terribly. After a nice nap, it was off to the potty chair. I am not ashamed to admit I cried tears of happiness myself. Liv won herself some fancy make-up, and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to paint Steve's fingernails.


Anonymous said...

Way to go O!

Jill said...

Just to clarify - jumpy had NOTHING to do with potty training. Hailey had a potty sticker chart and when she got a row she got to pick something out at the store. She got a book one time and a snow white doll another. Those really didn't work! Our great success was the peer pressure from her best friend Jossie and the fact that she couldn't move up to the 3's unless she was potty trained!

Great job Liv!