Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Every Thanksgiving should start out with a good beauty routine.


We were missing a handful of people...not so sure where we would have put them!

Steve and I love hosting Thanksgiving. We are so grateful for our family who helps cook and do the dishes. I think Uncle Matt has had the position of dish dryer for the past 4 years - which is no small task. The little kids hung out a lot, in fact Olivia thought that Grace and Frank were sleeping over. And then when that answer was no, she packed her backpack and was going to make a run for it with Grace. A good day, with a lot to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Meghan Scarsella said...

Olivia- we need some cute new pics and an update on what's new with you! Please tell mom to post soon!
Meghan and Mike